Both rowing and sculling are popular water sports in North America. From the outside looking in, people may not realize that while the sport itself may appear fun, getting inside a rowing shell can be difficult when you’re just getting started. If you are planning to row or use a scull, then you first need

What Rowing Floating Docks are Used by Most Collegiate Teams?
May 25, 2022
Some of the Best Ranked Docks Used By Most Collegiate Rowing Programs Although rowing has been a recognized sport since 1828 with the inaugural race between Oxford and Cambridge in England, it continues to pick up speed in popularity year after year. Rowing floating docks, also known as low-profile docks, were designed especially for rowers.

What are Rowing Shell Floating Docks and How Can I Use Them?
May 18, 2022
Rowing shell floating docks enable rowers to more easily get in and out of their rowing boats (or shells). When rowers climb into their shells, they are climbing into their boat used for rowing. Racing shells are long and narrow. Their length depends on the number of rowers who are going to use it. A

How to Choose Recreational Rowing Docks That Are Right for You
May 11, 2022
Recreational floating docks can offer many great benefits. Another summer is almost upon us, and practically everyone is ready to get out on the water, whether it be a lake, river, or Intracoastal, and enjoy fun activities or just relax, while at the same time grabbing some rays. Knowing the different types of rowing docks

5 Benefits of Low-Profile Docks for Rowing
May 04, 2022
Sailing and Rowing are two of the most physically demanding water sports. So, the right sailing and rowing docks can make getting out on the water easy, which is welcomed. Rowing is great exercise, and it’s an exciting and challenging sport for many who like to race competitively. Rowing can give your body a full

Rowing Coaches Update
December 10, 2020
You cannot turn on the news, open a social media app, or take part in a conversation without hearing the words “COVID” and “Coronavirus”… and “When will everything get back to normal?!” We know, we know! We all want to get back to life as usual, especially if we haven’t been able to participate in

Rowing and COVID-19
November 27, 2020
COVID-19 has created virtually unprecedented chaos in the world, particularly as countries sought to contain the virus and still keep their economies moving. As it stretches on, and as we continue to deal with surges, many of us just want to get back to normal. Staying safe, and protecting the health of others, is the

Rowing 101: Getting Started
July 21, 2020
Okay, everyone! Are you ready for some Rowing 101? Rowing and sculling are two terms often confused and combined. It is easy to understand why people unfamiliar with the sport confuse the terminology, though. Basically, there is sweep rowing and there is sculling, and those two terms fall under the umbrella of rowing. Once you

5 Reasons to Join a Rowing Club
July 07, 2020
If you have ever asked a rower why they row, chances are that you have been taken aback by the enthusiasm of their response to that question. Like many athletes and outdoor enthusiasts, rowers love what they do, and they do it for a reason. For many it is a personal story, maybe how they

Is Rowing Good for Kids?
June 25, 2020
As parents, we are always looking for ways to keep our children active and healthy! As more and more children become interested in electronics, we have to be a bit more creative when it comes to incorporating exercise into their daily routines. Many adults find time for at-home workouts: yoga or pilates, depending on the

7 Ways to Become a Stronger Rower
June 04, 2020
To become a stronger rower, you must never give up on working on your rowing technique. There is always room for improvement! If you are serious about becoming a stronger rower, you know that rowing workouts both on water and on land are crucial to your development and need to be taken seriously. Your rowing

What Equipment Do You Need for Rowing?
May 20, 2020
From oars to seat pads to high-performance clothing, rowing equipment and accessories run the gamut. If you are new to the sport: welcome! It’s exciting – and a great workout. You may also be wondering what type of gear you need. Following is a list of essential rowing equipment: The boat. Start at the beginning.

How to Dock a Rowing Shell
April 29, 2020
When you enjoy sculling or sweep rowing, there is a great deal of skill, agility, and stamina required. Watching experts makes it look effortless – it is not! What it is, though, is an excellent workout and terrific way to enjoy the sunshine. One of the most important skills you will learn as you embark

How Low Is a Low Profile Rowing Dock?
November 20, 2019
What’s the hardest part of rowing? The demand on your shoulders, lats, triceps, and biceps? The burn in your back, glutes, and quads? The intense concentration it requires? The push to go faster, farther, and harder? Nope. For a lot of us, it’s entering and exiting the shell! Rowing shells are designed to sit low
AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks