What Is Deeded Dock Access (And Is It a Good Idea)?
Deeded dock access gives you the right to access a property owned by another party in order to get to the dock – and, of course, the water. This is written into your deed, and it can be a huge benefit. But it can also be a huge headache. Let’s take a closer look.
The Benefits of a Shared Dock on a Neighbor’s Property
If you don’t have an easy way to get to the water on your own property, deeded dock access is a lifesaver. Ok, that may be dramatic: it is incredibly convenient and can save you untold time and money. You don’t have to worry about loading your boat or watercraft onto a trailer, hauling it to a public dock or private marina, and then doing the same in reverse on your way home. If you just want an hour or two on the water, you’ll have to talk on that much (or more) for travel and other hassles. With deeded access, you’re right there.
Note: It’s also much easier to launch crafts like canoes, kayaks, shells, sculls, etc. from a dock than from the side of a river, lake, pond, or other body of water.
Many also find it increases safety and security, eliminates (or at least greatly reduces) storage fees, and opens up numerous recreational and entertainment options.
Problems with Deeded Dock Access
But what could go wrong? When does deeded dock access present some challenges?
Neighbor wars. They happen. Say you and your previous neighbors were buddies who regularly traded backyard BBQ hosting duties. They moved, and your new neighbor doesn’t love that you can access their property. This can get sticky. They may argue property lines and try to contest your right to access. On the flip side, you may be the neighbor who does not believe anyone else can legally access your property. In either case, it makes relationships with those living closest to you contentious.
Even if the right to access is not in question, there may be issues about using the dock during certain times (such as prime weekends when everyone wants to get into the water).
When it comes to a shared dock on a neighbor’s property, the best advice is to treat every party with respect. If you are unsure of the legalities, look at your deed. Is dock access written into it? Are property lines accurately surveyed? Often the best way to resolve issues is to talk to the property owners or other parties involved and work out a solution that works for you all.
Or… get your own AccuDock floating dock! They’re cost-effective, easy to install, durable, versatile, and a whole lot of fun. To learn more contact the AccuDock team today.
AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks