5 Reasons to Join a Rowing Club
If you have ever asked a rower why they row, chances are that you have been taken aback by the enthusiasm of their response to that question. Like many athletes and outdoor enthusiasts, rowers love what they do, and they do it for a reason. For many it is a personal story, maybe how they first got introduced to rowing. They may even share their experience of joining a rowing club. Many will fill your ear with the myriad benefits of rowing. It might be a lot to take in for someone who is just considering rowing as a sport or hobby, or even someone who is looking to step up their game a bit and get more involved in the world of rowing.
As someone interested in the sport, you will also want to hear more about the following.
Why Joining a Rowing Club Is a Great Idea
- Rowing clubs are a great way to exercise! For even the reluctant exercisers among us, rowing is a positive, fun way to move your body, work your muscles, and get or stay in shape. These are all physical benefits of rowing. The experience of a rowing club keeps you mentally wanting to get out there on the water and come back for more.
- Rowing gets you outdoors and connected with nature! In an age of non-stop screen time, we could all use a little more sunlight and time outdoors. Joining a rowing club is the perfect way to combine your love of nature with your commitment to physical movement.
- Rowing clubs connect you with other like-minded, passionate individuals! You will have the opportunity to share your love of rowing with others. Joining a rowing club is a great way to get out there and meet new and exciting people.
- Rowing clubs are good competition! Joining a rowing club is an excellent way to nurture that innate competitive streak we all have within us. Rowing clubs create an atmosphere of friendly competition that pushes rowers to do their best and rewards their efforts with team building.
- Rowing is FUN! Whether it’s the view or the thrill of a race that excites you, there is no denying that rowing is fun.
Bonus reason: A rowing club can provide you with access to a high-quality rowing dock like those made by AccuDock.
>> Interested in learning more about AccuDock’s floating rowing dock systems? Contact us today!
AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks