What Is the Best Way to Store a Kayak?
Kayaking has experienced a surge in popularity recently – and it’s easy to see why. Not only is this a wonderful way to experience the great outdoors, it’s terrific for fitness, relaxation, and fun. Storing your kayak properly is key to keeping it in top shape so when you’re ready for an adventure, it’s ready for you!
Storing your kayak indoors is optimal because it will be protected from the elements (including UV light, which can damage the kayak). But we don’t all have room for this! In this case, outdoor kayak storage racks are a must.
AccuDock Kayak Racks for Docks
The AccuDock Paddle Sport Storage Rack, for instance, can be used as a stand-alone solution or mounted right on your dock. This adds to your convenience because you don’t have to haul your kayak out from your home or garage. It’s waiting for you!
AccuDock’s kayak racks for docks are available with 2, 3, or 4 tiers and are either single- or double-sided, depending on how many kayaks you need to store. Plus, we can custom make any rack to meet your unique needs. Plus, if you’re a versatile sort of recreational person, it also can store your paddle boards and canoes. No need for separate racks!
Dos and Don’ts
Here are some dos and don’ts for storing your kayak:
DO: Clean your kayak thoroughly before storing it. Use mild soap and water to remove residue and dirt. Rinse clean and dry – making sure to drain all the water in the hatch.
DO: Store your kayak upside down. This prevents water from becoming trapped inside and helps maintain durability.
DON’T: Store your kayak with the bottom side down (it can dent the surface) and do not hang it from its handles or scuppers.
DO: Consider a cover to protect your kayak from UV rays and other weather conditions.
DON’T: Keep your kayak on top of your vehicle unless you are transporting it. When you’re done, put it on the storage rack.
Ask us about outdoor kayak storage racks for your floating dock. We will help you find the best solution for your needs – including the perfect kayak dock for your waterfront!
AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks