If you have ever asked a rower why they row, chances are that you have been taken aback by the enthusiasm of their response to that question. Like many athletes and outdoor enthusiasts, rowers love what they do, and they do it for a reason. For many it is a personal story, maybe how they

Is Rowing Good for Kids?
June 25, 2020
As parents, we are always looking for ways to keep our children active and healthy! As more and more children become interested in electronics, we have to be a bit more creative when it comes to incorporating exercise into their daily routines. Many adults find time for at-home workouts: yoga or pilates, depending on the

How Deep Does the Water Have to Be to Dock a Boat?
June 18, 2020
Docking a boat can be difficult for many operators. It is a skill that is honed by boaters over time. There is, however, no reason to let this cause you stress. There are things any boater, even the newest, can do to make docking a boat a cinch. 4 Steps for Docking a Boat Check

Is It Better to Rent or Buy a Boat Slip?
June 11, 2020
As eager as you may be to get out on the water, determining whether to rent or buy a slip at a marina boat dock can be a big decision – one that you will want to consider carefully before going forward. Of course, you will need to do some research about the market to

7 Ways to Become a Stronger Rower
June 04, 2020
To become a stronger rower, you must never give up on working on your rowing technique. There is always room for improvement! If you are serious about becoming a stronger rower, you know that rowing workouts both on water and on land are crucial to your development and need to be taken seriously. Your rowing

Best Features to Add to Your Floating Dock Project
May 28, 2020
Whether you are a private landowner who wants to take advantage of your waterfront location or you are working on a commercial application, floating docks deliver a wide range of benefits. Easy to configure, install, move, and even remove for storage, these solutions offer exceptional convenience – and, of course, great access to the water.

What Equipment Do You Need for Rowing?
May 20, 2020
From oars to seat pads to high-performance clothing, rowing equipment and accessories run the gamut. If you are new to the sport: welcome! It’s exciting – and a great workout. You may also be wondering what type of gear you need. Following is a list of essential rowing equipment: The boat. Start at the beginning.

What Is the Best Marina Dock System?
May 13, 2020
Not all commercial marina docks are created equal. When making this decision, think about all the factors that impact success: durability, quality, safety, maintenance… All of these matter. While there are a lot of options on the market, narrow your choices to those docks that offer the qualities you need most. The best marina dock

5 Tips for Camp Waterfront Safety and Preparation
May 06, 2020
Summer and recreational camps are places where memories are made, where children (and adults too!) can enjoy fresh air, benefit from physical activity, unplug from ubiquitous electronics, experience new challenges, build relationships, and, of course, have fun. The first step, though, is always ensuring campers and visitors are safe. Strict safety protocols for camps are

How to Dock a Rowing Shell
April 29, 2020
When you enjoy sculling or sweep rowing, there is a great deal of skill, agility, and stamina required. Watching experts makes it look effortless – it is not! What it is, though, is an excellent workout and terrific way to enjoy the sunshine. One of the most important skills you will learn as you embark

How to Tie a Jet Ski to a Dock
April 22, 2020
There are times when you just want to paddle along a lazy river or float in a serene bay. And then there are times when you want to feel the wind in your hair and up the fun factor. Those times call for a jet ski. Is there a better way to spend a warm,

Floating Docks for Waverunners: 3 Benefits
April 15, 2020
Who’s up for some fun in the sun? Some water, waves, and warm weather? We know you are! Here in South Florida, we’re especially blessed with an abundance of waterways and nearly year-round sun – and personal watercrafts (PWCs), like waverunners, help us make the most of it. Want all of the fun and none
AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks