5 Tips for Camp Waterfront Safety and Preparation
Summer and recreational camps are places where memories are made, where children (and adults too!) can enjoy fresh air, benefit from physical activity, unplug from ubiquitous electronics, experience new challenges, build relationships, and, of course, have fun. The first step, though, is always ensuring campers and visitors are safe. Strict safety protocols for camps are a must, especially around the water and swim docks.
Here are five tips for a strong waterfront safety initiative:
Lifeguards on Duty!
Water activities should only take place when there are certified lifeguards with first aid and CPR training on duty. There should be two lifeguards for any swimming or other water-related activity.
Mark Safe Swimming Areas
A safe swim area is reserved for swimming only and is clearly marked for both swimmers and boaters. It is best if this area is fenced off and access restricted to ensure no one swims alone or fails to follow the rules (e.g., no diving, no swimming while it is lightning, etc.).
Check the Proficiency of Each Swimmer/Boater
If your camp offers swimming and/or boating activities, check that each camper has physical capacity to participate in these sports. It is also important to evaluate their level. For example, a “beginner” should be able to jump feet first into the water at over-the-head depth, level, and swim for 50 feet.
Use the Buddy System
No one should swim or boat alone. Pair campers with a buddy who is swimming in the same area. Implement a buddy check: every 10-15 minutes, sound a bell. This signals to swimmers/boaters that they should check on their partner.
Install Safe, Stable Swim Docks
When selecting swim docks for your camp, consider how the surface and materials will impact camper safety. For example, the surfaces of AccuDock swim docks have a slightly raised, non-skid, levant-texture finish that provides excellent traction. Their lightweight decking also ensures they remain cool to the touch in the summer.
Additionally, AccuDock floating swim docks are incredibly stable. They are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic sheets that are hand-welded using non-rotationally molded floats.
The floats have a universal wall thickness of .150 inches, and the completely encapsulated expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam within allows for no more than 3% water penetration – meaning that AccuDock swim docks are virtually unsinkable.
When implementing safety protocols for camps, start with these five steps and build from there. For the industry’s highest quality, safest, and most durable swim docks, contact AccuDock. We can help meet your camp’s unique needs.
AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks