ADA Compliant Kayak/Canoe Launch Docks
AccuDock Kayak and Paddle Sport Docks are designed and built for all water sport activities. The resulting low freeboard of the docks makes for a smooth transition on and off the water regardless of skill set. AccuDock has a full line of floating dock configurations designed specifically for paddle sports. Each AccuDock provides a safe stable platform that is close to the water’s surface, making the launch and recovery of your kayak/paddleboard easy.

ADA Compliant Transfer Platform
Unique only to AccuDock® is the ADA Compliant Transfer Platform for ADA Kayak and Canoe launch docks. The design and placement of the ADA Transfer Platform provides safe, easy, stable access to and from the water. The ADA accessible floating launch dock and ADA Gangway allows paddlers of all ages and abilities to access the water safely.

ADA Compliant Kayak and Canoe Launch Docks
AccuDock has facilitated multiple government agency projects for National Park locations, DOI, FWS and various public marinas using the ADA Compliant Kayak and Canoe Launch docks. The standard sizes available are 12’ x 18’ with transfer platform and 3’ x 8’ safe launch, 16’ x 18’ with transfer platform and a 3’ x 12’ safe launch and a 16’ x 26’ with transfer platform and a 3’ x 12’ safe launch. ADA accessible Canoe Launch docks require a 4’ x 12’ canoe slip with an overhead assist bar. ADA floating docks can be customized for any location. There is no maximum space requirement.

ADA Compliant Gangways and Rails
AccuDock Floating Kayak and Paddlesport ADA Compliant launch docks allow safe and easy access in and out of the water. The AccuDock® wheelchair ADA Compliant transfer platform, Kayak and Canoe assist bars, and Safe-Launch Kayak/Canoe platform has proven to be a great asset to those who require ADA Compliant Dock applications. Having the freedom to launch kayaks and canoes safely with little or no assistance of others. AccuDock® offers ADA Specification Packages for Government Agencies interested in Solicitations and Procurement of ADA Kayak Launch and ADA Gangway Ramp projects. AccuDock® ADA Accessible Gangway requirements meet the specifications for accessible routes, and Chapter 10: recreation facilities as to the length, slant ratio, railing size, height, scope, edge protection and continuous handrail extension and transition plates.
AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks