Summer Camp Floating Docks

Summer camp is a rite of passage for many children and families. From a kid’s first experience with “sleepaway camp” to a fun-filled trip to the campground, many of us head out to enjoy some sun and fun – and, of course, swimming, boating, kayaking, and lounging around on a hot day. For over a decade, AccuDock has been delivering the highest quality floating docks for summer camps and campgrounds, ensuring safety, convenience, ease of access…. And a whole lot of excitement.

Unlimited Configurations – Unlimited Possibilities 

One of the reasons so many public and private facilities choose AccuDock for their campground docks is the flexibility offered by unlimited configurations. Our unique manufacturing process allows us to deliver docks of virtually any size, shape, and height. This is a must for active camps and campgrounds as they seek to accommodate the needs and wants of their guests. It is also a must for those facilities that are situated on water bodies that fluctuate (e.g. rivers, lakes) seasonally and given different weather conditions. AccuDock’s floating docks for summer camps and campgrounds are designed with you in mind. 

A feature that your guests are sure to love is the low freeboard. Our process allows us to achieve the lowest in the industry – just 5 inches. This ensures that they are perfect for swimming and paddle sports. Access to the water has never been easier, and everyone from children doing the doggy paddle to veteran kayakers will appreciate the simplicity and convenience. 

Another important consideration is accessibility and compliance with regulations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We can incorporate any ADA and OSHA specifications, and features like railings and edge guards may also be added. Not only is this important as far as legal compliance, but it ensures that your guests can access the dock – and the water – as easily and safely as possible.

Additionally, our floating docks feature slightly raised, non-skid, levant-texture finishes that provide exceptional traction. Bonus: they stay cool to the touch in summertime!

Built to Last

AccuDock’s floating docks for summer camps, campgrounds – and every other application under the sun – are made with the utmost attention to detail, meticulous care, and the highest quality materials. They are constructed from high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic sheets that boast a long life and provide great stability for users. 

We also utilize structural marine grade aluminum frames, and all of our brackets and connectors are made from ultra-strong, rust-proof, and corrosion-resistant marine grade aluminum. You can’t get a safer, sturdier, or more durable dock. 

At the same time, AccuDock’s floating docks are lightweight and easy to install, reconfigure, move, and take out for storage at the end of the season. 

Contact AccuDock

For the best campground docks in the industry, there is only one choice: AccuDock. You can be assured that we have the solution for which you have been looking – and the key to enhancing your guests’ experience at your facility. Contact our team today to discuss your needs.

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks

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